Need assistance

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Large industrial/manufacturing facility that currently has two services: 3000Amp 3phase, 480 & 1000Amp, 3phase, 480 volt. Services are located a couple hundred yards apart. Facility is expanding and I am wanting to add an "interlock"between the new service and and existing 3K service; in case of an emergency at least we can kill two services at once. The existing 3k service is a CH SPB 100. I've never had one of these units apart. It would seem that I should be able to remote through some auxiliary contacts to connect the two services.
I am hoping the collected wisdom here will share some insight.
You want to be able to open both services from a common push button in each gear room?

You can install a shunt trip in each circuit breaker, utilizing a two pole push button and pick up the power off the gear control voltage or a emergency source. Worse case install a small UPS.
Ok, will look at trying that. Was thinking along the lines of an E-stop circuit. Will see if I can find a schematic, or some parts and pieces to play with.
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