Need help

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Senior Member
Just got a call from my old boss in the plant I used worked in. He wants to know if I would be interested in testing the plants emergency lights (117 of them) on a monthly bases and do any repairs when needed. I have no idea what to charge him. Set rate, by the hour, I really don't how long it will take to test them. Do I make up a service contract. I know there is more questions I should be asking on this but right now I can't think of them.
I would agree with that, you may go in one time, test them and everything is fine and then the next time you spend two days replacing batteries and bulbs. Or figure out what it would take you to test them and make that a base rate every month and then just charge extra for repairs.
Or find a way to determine what annual cost will average plus what you want for profit, and make a contract based on that. Some times you will be ahead, sometimes you will be behind but in general will still be profiting. You can have exceptions for devices that are more than just worn out - like say someone bashed it with a forklift, those should be replaced as cost of new on top of the contract as this is not normal wear and tear, or even damage from a surge or lightning should be an exception to the contract.

Many power companies have contracts with cities/towns for street lighting like this. So much per year per light, to maintain them regardless of what happens except for when a motorist crashes into a pole and destroys the light and pole. Rate for them may also include energy charges based on estimated annual energy usage - which will be somewhat consistant each year, cloudy days will make some difference but they make sure they are profiting in the first place so it is not too significant.
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