I have always been under the impression that if a residence has a wet bar that it needs two small appliance branch circuits. I was looking in the code under required branch circuits and it says that every separate kitchen must be served by at least two 20 amp 120 volt circuits. Now, the definition of a kitchen is "an area with a sink and permanent facilities for food preparation and cooking". Now as long as no cooking is going on do I not need to install the two circuits? My situation is in a bonus room, the homeowner is going to have a counter top with a sink and a mini fridge. Would this need the two separate circuits? I don't believe there will be anyway of cooking anything in this room unless he hauls a non fixed microwave up there and just sets it on the counter. Also on his back patio where he will be BBQing he is going to have an island installed but there will be no sink. Just a counter top. Would this require the two circuits? As for the bonus room I have already installed the two 20 amp circuits but I haven't wired the patio yet. I'm mostly interested in when a room or counter top is defined as a "kitchen". Does it have to have some sort of fixed cooking appliance to qualify?