Need some help on this one...

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Inactive, Email Never Verified
So I am a little lost and didn't know if anyone could point me in the right direction. I installed a generator last week in a different town than mine. And I had failed the install because coming from the j box on the outside of the house I had a 4' piece of 1 1/4" non metallic liquid tight going into the generator and the inspector said that since it was barely toughing the ground I had to put it 18" in the ground.... Anyone else have this issue? I've never had this happen to me so I'm a little thrown back :?
I just did what he asked which was lay a 2X4 on the ground and secure it to that. I just don't understand and didn't know if I missed something or not. Thank you for your input :thumbsup:
I guess the inspector equates touching the ground to a 300.5 installation.

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