Need Square-D Powerlink AS info

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New member
United States
Hi, Everyone, newbie here so please cut me a little slack :)

I have been given a job to replace the control system connected to Square-D Powerlink AS panels (yes, the older ones). I have done much research and unfortunately most everything technical has been deleted from the web. Mainly I need the RS232 protocol information for the NQOD242ASP standard panel controller and/or/either PLK101 or CMS1000 software (very old win31 based). I have pretty much hit a brick wall calling Schneider so I must resort to begging. Any old timers out there that might still have the doc's or software?

Thankx in advance,
If it is so obsolete that they don't support it, why would you want to replace just the control system?

Are you going to try some kind of DIY control system to interface with it? A horrible idea IMO. You would be just getting you customer into another poorly supported piece of gear.

Maybe call KEP or Matrikon and see if one of their OPC products supports this protocol.

I have not had any trouble getting information from Square D/Schneider on obsolete products, although sometimes their web site design makes it kind of difficult. Have you actually called and talked to a warm body there?
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