Need tool for spreading a split conduit body

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New member
I am looking for a tool that will spread a cut on the side of a 2" conduit body so that the CB can be cut in to an in-service PVC conduit and in-place Cat 5 can be inserted lengthwise thru the cut in the CB.

I checked with these guys but couldn't find a split CB option. I don't want to cut the CB fully in half because it's a Type T for some new wiring. I know the UL rating is already shot but that's not an issue here.

I am thinking some type of miniature "jaws of life" would be nice! Or maybe a supersized version of those things the dentist uses to hold my mouth open after he gives me the laughing gas. Any ideas welcome.


EC, Westchester, New York NEC: 2014
Hawthorne, New York NEC: 2014
Re: Need tool for spreading a split conduit body

Well, the right way to do this is to either do a parallel run or pull out the cables, cut the conduit, install your J box and pull everything back in.

If you are intent on doing a hack job run the conduit body through a band saw right down the center and glue it back together. Actually I'm thinking that you will have to do two and use one half from each because of the saw kerf. Set your saw up to compensate for the kerf on each half.

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