Needs some help with estimate

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Senior Member
I have just recently been asked to submit an electrical bid on a home that is being constructed. The house is approximately 4000sq ft. We will be installing a 400a service. The house is fairly basic with 4 bedrooms and 3 bathrooms. I have never bid on a new construction home I usually do remodel, repairs, and troubleshooting. How do most of you guys price?(per drop, sq. ft.,hourly) Im bidding on labor only. I just dont want to sell myself short or scare them away either. Thanks in advance


Senior Member
MetroWest, MA
why labor only? guys make money on material mark up ya know.

I know I charge less on new residential construction than for a residential remodel. Its cleaner, straight forward, and generally easier to complete the work (especially on the rough)

To answer your question, most guys have a unit value for each task.

Example $40 each 15amp duplex receptacle

Add up how many of each then multiply times your unit value. If you have no idea how long it will take you then maybe you shouldn't be bidding the job. Or, can you work hourly? Give them your hourly rate (including all your expenses plus profit)

I bet some other guy will smoke you on price - there are alot of guys out there wiring houses on the cheap - I've seen a guy around here using his 14 year old kids to help him wire houses. Undocumented labor, etc

You should sell yourself on quality, knowledge, likeability, reputation, professionalism, and helpfulness. We have 2 houses coming up we are doing and no way were we lowest but we sat down with the client and walked them through the whole house on prints and made suggestions the whole way. It shows that you really care about them and their project.

Of course if you are giving a bid to a cheap GC who wants labor only and will whip you like a mule, then throw all I said out the window, come up with a price then cut it in half - that will be the low price the GC gets to do the house. You probably dont want that job anyway. Slimy GC's can smell "green" EC's.


Senior Member
Thanks for the info. The GC is a friend of mine and a really good guy. I take alot of pride in my work and he knows it. The GC wants me to wire his houses, I just didnt want to bid to low because its hard to raise your price and keep the work


Senior Member
Austin, TX
Thanks for the info. The GC is a friend of mine and a really good guy. I take alot of pride in my work and he knows it. The GC wants me to wire his houses, I just didnt want to bid to low because its hard to raise your price and keep the work

Welcome to the forum! Hey, we sure could use someone around here who takes pride in his work! Post some pictures.:grin:

I am not an EC, so I can only suggest you research past threads on the costs of doing business. There are a lot of threads and they make for interesting and entertaining reading.


Senior Member
MetroWest, MA
if he is a friend - then tell him your concerns - maybe he will let you do it hourly - that way you can get a good idea of how long it takes and what snags you hit. The next job you do then you can give a price on.

I have done whole houses on T&M and the client saved money and we made money too. (we adjusted our rate higher to compensate for working faster and still made good money)

I've worked for GC friends too. I've given them prices that weren't lowest but then backed up our service with doing a great job, being on time, on budget, and being cooperative on the job site. People do value that. GC's that we work with value that. They tell us all the time - "you aren't the cheapest but you come when you say you are going to come and do what you say you are going to do"

Good luck


Senior Member
Raeford, NC
I have just recently been asked to submit an electrical bid on a home that is being constructed. The house is approximately 4000sq ft. We will be installing a 400a service. The house is fairly basic with 4 bedrooms and 3 bathrooms. I have never bid on a new construction home I usually do remodel, repairs, and troubleshooting. How do most of you guys price?(per drop, sq. ft.,hourly) Im bidding on labor only. I just dont want to sell myself short or scare them away either. Thanks in advance

How many people working on the house? Experience level?


Senior Member
Im bidding on labor only.

You are probably a heck of a lot safer to get an hourly rate on one of tese to start with.

These simple houses can turn into custom homes pretty darn quick and you could end up with three times the calculated labor.

Is the GC building this house for sale himself or is he building it for a customer that will have a lot of in-put as the job progresses? A custom home can be as simple or as complicated as the customer wants to make it.

mcclary's electrical

Senior Member
Can't help,,,,,I don't bid labor only. Period. You really think you can make a list and this guy actually have what you need there. And not to mention, half the stuff needed, I really already have on my truck, I wouldn't want to prepare a list for somebody else, and think you're gonna get everything. That's gonna be a nightmare and counterproductive. And why?? so he's the only one turning a profit?,,,,,,,,all you get is your wages? Tell him to either hire you as his employee,,,,,,,or a contractor,,,,,,,,,,make up his mind
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