Hi all. Had a customer fail their annual fire inspection for a dozen or so neon signs installed (8 years ago) with the secondary conductors inside the wall between the xfmr and the tubes. The wires are however run inside steel flexible metal conduit inside the wall. The wire enters the wall through a round metal plate attached to the drywall with a 1/2" threaded hole in the middle. There is a 1/2" flex connector installed from the back side with a continuous run of 1/2" flex up the wall cavity (approx. 4') and out near the top of the wall, terminating in a 1/2" connector in the xfmr junction box. So, the secondary wires are encased in the flex from the xfmr j-box until they emerge from the wall at the sign location. I can't find anything in article 600 that would indicate this an improper install. The fire marshal (we have been e-mailing back and forth about this issue) is referencing that nfpa70 does not allow neon secondary conductors to be run inside walls. I don't have nfpa70 (yet), only the '08 NEC. So, what do you guys think? Any help would be greatly appreciated.