Neutral and EGC IN Panel

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Looks like that came into play 1990 NEC 384-20 and currently 408.41
I never did it because, early on, I developed the habit of terminating EGCs first, neutrals second, hots last.
That is when the wording was added to the NEC, it was a UL listing requirement for the panelboard for decades before that.
Yes I am aware of that thank you. I was simply adding to the conversation as to when it was added to the NEC if anyone was interested.
Most of us didn't have any idea what UL required.
Nor looked for underlying implications of multiple neutral taps. Seen many old panels that were such a mess, (certainly handiman hack job) determining with even a mild certainty a single complete circuit was almost impossible. And compounding that was multiple neutral under single screw lug, and then try to find the second circuit to shut down to safely remove the one with the panel in that condition. One such one, recently opened cover and couldn't be sure there even was a neutral bus to look at the mess, and that was without any AFCI/GFCI pigtails.
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