Just had a question on bonding the neutral of subpanels. I know in the codebook it says you are allowed to bond the neutral of a subpanel if there is no mechanical ground run with the feeders, and there aren't any metal pipes running between locations. On the site that I'm working on I've had to do this temporarily a few times where there was no mechanical ground and no pipes between locations. Now I've come across a steel building with multiple exterior mounted subpanels and two are missing mechanical grounds. It's impossible at the moment to run new feeders, and I'm not sure if I feel comfortable with bonding the neutrals in this situation. I also have two unrelated free standing panels without mechanical grounds. One panel feeds the other, and I'm not sure about bonding the neutrals in this situation either. I have alot of concerns about objectionable neutral current in these particualr situations, but management feels it won't be an issue. All comments welcome. I want to make sure this already bad installation isn't made worse.