Neutral conductor not in same raceway.

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The inspector fails the installation. :happyyes: (Sorry, I couldn't resist.)

Oh, did you mean from a physics perspective? There will be a net generation of a magnetic field in each separate raceway. If the raceway material is metallic, then current will flow in the raceway itself. That can cause the raceway to get hot, and has caused fires in cases of which I am aware.
The inspector fails the installation. :happyyes: (Sorry, I couldn't resist.)

Oh, did you mean from a physics perspective? There will be a net generation of a magnetic field in each separate raceway. If the raceway material is metallic, then current will flow in the raceway itself. That can cause the raceway to get hot, and has caused fires in cases of which I am aware.
I thought that the problem was the creation of a magnetic field in ferrous metal raceways that caused heating through hysteresis losses, not induced circulating currents.
A simple conductive ring around an alternating current carrying wire will not see any induced current.
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