Let me give it a try.
Consider a 120/240 panel. Only two breakers are in use, and they set up as a multiwire branch circuit. Three wires (Phase A, Phase B, and a shared neutral - the EGC is not a player in this discussion) go out to a room that has two identical overhead lights, controlled by separate switches. Both breakers are on, both switches are off, so no current is flowing.
Turn on switch A. On the positive half of each cycle, current flows out from the panel along the Phase A conductor, through switch A and light A, and back to the panel on the shared neutral. On the negative half of each cycle, current flows current flows out from the panel along the shared neutral, flows "backwards" through light A and switch A, and back to the panel on the Phase A conductor. This pattern repeats 60 times per second. Now turn off switch A. No current is flowing.
Turn on switch B. On one half cycle, current flows out from the panel along the Phase B conductor, through switch B and light B, and back to the panel on the shared neutral, and the current reverses direction on the other half cycle.
Keep switch B on, and turn on switch A. Taking measurements at the panel, you will observe that the Phase B current has not changed, that the Phase A current is the same value as the Phase B current, and the shared neutral has no current. This is because the Phase A current will be on its positive half cycle at the same moment that the Phase B current is on its negative half cycle. Here is what is happening on one half cycle:
? For light A, current flows out from the panel along the Phase A conductor, and returns to the panel along the shared neutral.
? For light B, current flows out from the panel along the shared neutral, and returns to the panel via the Phase B conductor.
? Thus, the shared neutral sees two currents, one going into the panel and the other going away from the panel, and these two currents cancel each other out.
? In a practical sense, then, current is actually flowing out from the panel via the Phase A conductor, through switch A and light A, then “backwards” through light B and switch B, and back to the panel via the Phase B conductor.
? On the other half cycle, the pattern reverses, and still the shared neutral wire sees no current.