neutral getting a reading

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I have a washer machine that stop working. I checked the voltage on the wires and got the following: black wire(120), white(13), black to ground(120), black to white(60). I trying to figure out how I could be getting a reading of 13 on the neutral and 60 from hot to neutral.
Re: neutral getting a reading

You need an electrician soon.

It sounds like you have a bad neutral connection somewhere between your panel and the power company transformer.
Re: neutral getting a reading

That is good advice. And it is the limit of what we are allowed to give to a person who has a problem with home wiring, and who is not an electrician. So I am going to end this thread here.

I do not know exactly what is meant by the term "electrical tech support." But my guess is that it does not involve electrical construction. If I am wrong, please send me a PM, and I will reopen the thread (with an apology).

Anyone is welcome to participate in this site, and learn whatever you can. But assistance with electrical troubleshooting, repair, and installation can only be given to persons who make their livings doing that type of work.
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