Went to a job today that had 2 sub panels feeding various lights and receps. There was a 3 wire going to a junction box, I followed it back to the panel, where it split at another junction box. The Neutral is from one sub panel and the 2 20amp circuits are coming from the other. Both sub panels feed back to another panel, at the entrance of the service where both sub panels' Neutrals are tied into the Neutral bus bar.
What kind of problems will this lead to? Obviously someone wasnt paying attention or forgot to pull an extra Neutral to the first j box. This was existing and if I am going to pull the owners attention to it I would rather have some concrete facts about what will happen if it is left alone then to just grasp for straws. Thanks.
What kind of problems will this lead to? Obviously someone wasnt paying attention or forgot to pull an extra Neutral to the first j box. This was existing and if I am going to pull the owners attention to it I would rather have some concrete facts about what will happen if it is left alone then to just grasp for straws. Thanks.