neutral wire

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I have a 480primary 120/240 sec. transformer feeding a lighting panel wired up 240v 3 wire system, vendor sent prefab flex with 3 load wires 1 neutral wire and 1 ground wire. I shared the neutral wire by putting two hot on one side and one hot on the other side. This is a 12 circuit panel term. it by circuit 1--123 aba circut 2 bab
circuit 3 aba circuit 4 bab. my neutral at the transformer is bonded to ground, the breakers I used are 20 amps and used all #10 stranded wire for my lights. Is the installation per NEC


Senior Member
Re: neutral wire

Wait a second, I think I know what you're doing?!?!
Are you refering to one of the "Hot" wires (Ungrounded conductor) in a 240 V circuit as a neutral?

It sounds like you have a 3-phase load to me.



Senior Member
Re: neutral wire

Hold on again, I just re-read your post for the 10th time!

You are sharing a neutral with 3 circuits. 2 are on the A phase and one is on the B phase.

No, that's no good!

You cannot share a neutral with 2 circuits from the same phase.

Editted to add: It sounds like they sent a pre-fab whip that was intended to be used in a 3-phase panel. Then it would work fine. Your panel will not. Either they sent the wrong whip or you installed the wrong panel!

[ July 21, 2005, 07:32 PM: Message edited by: davedottcom ]

charlie b

Staff member
Lockport, IL
Retired Electrical Engineer
Re: neutral wire

I am temporarily closing this thread, in order to discuss with the other Moderators the question of whether it violates the DIY rule. If we conclude that it does, the thread will be deleted.

tom baker

First Chief Moderator & NEC Expert
Staff member
Bremerton, Washington
Master Electrician
Re: neutral wire

Charlie, I see this more than I like, Its a DIY'r in an industrial setting. In a way, any of us can be a DIY'r, for example if I do a 12.5KV installation. But I wouldn't, and know not to. This guy does not.
Get a qualifed electrican to help you, along with a permit and inspection.
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