New bedroom branch circuit

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bill halcomb

New member
clinton, iowa
My nephew has an open kitchen/dining room layout. He wants to build a wall between the 2 to create a new bedroom where the dining room was. On the new wall he wants 2 receptacles for the new bedroom and 2 receptacles for the kitchen. I know I need to install an AFCI breaker. Can I feed all 4 receptacles from the 1 AFCI or do I need to feed the bedroom side receptacles separate from the kitchen side receptacles? I know the code says I can't branch off of an existing kitchen branch circuit for the new bedroom outlets. The code seems a little unclear about additional added branch circuits or am I missing something?
Receptacles in the kitchen, whether they serve a countertop or work surface or whether they are on a wall that does not have a countertop or work surface, must be on a 20 amp circuit known as a "Small Appliance Branch circuit," or SABC. Such circuits are not permitted to have any other outlets. So you would need separate circuits for the kitchen side and for the bedroom side. Reference: NEC 210.52(A) and (B).
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