New Company

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Senior Member
Just started a new contracting business two months ago.

Can you tell me the "one" big thing you have learned to this point? That one thing that you look back on and think "If I had only known this when I first started out".

There are two of us. I do the "office" work - marketing, estimating, material ordering, bills, invoicing, insurance issues, etc. My partner holds the masters and fortunately, the last couple of weeks has been in the field full-time. We are getting close to needing to hire additional help.

john_axelson said:
Just started a new contracting business two months ago.

Can you tell me the "one" big thing you have learned to this point? That one thing that you look back on and think "If I had only known this when I first started out".


Not knowing my real overhead, and the cost of dong business.
satcom said:
Not knowing my real overhead, and the cost of dong business.

Sigmund would be proud!

But there's a lot of truth to this statement. You may know how much material costs for a job, but what about your overhead (fixed) costs? Rent, vehicles, gas, insurance, bonds, advertising, utilities, office supplies, tools, outside services, taxes, repairs, maintenance, etc, etc, ad infitum ad nauseum.
john_axelson said:
Can you tell me the "one" big thing you have learned to this point? That one thing that you look back on and think "If I had only known this when I first started out".

Don't sell your time or your skills short. The one real eye opener for me was about 8 years ago, when I started charging what I really needed to be charging to make a decent profit and enjoy the occasional vacation. Business actually got better when I raised my prices, and I don't feel like a slave to my business any more. Well, at least not all the time... :)
there is a simple reason for that...

you get to enjoy life a little more, become a happier person, do your job better and make your customers happy...

it's all related...
mattsilkwood said:
is there anything you DONT have on your trucks? :grin:
We're talking about billheads. I think most guys can find room for billheads and a price book. Some go with laptops and a printer.
mdshunk said:
We're talking about billheads. I think most guys can find room for billheads and a price book. Some go with laptops and a printer.

we have the same on our trucks. just couldnt help but poke a little fun.;)
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