New Construction Apartment Pricing

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Per opening.

If there are any changes how do you handle it with sq.ft. pricing?
The sq.ft. of a unit may not change, but changes do occur "behind the walls".
Even with T&M for adds/changes/moves, you may have to submit an "estimate". The GC may have to decide which trade's adds/changes/moves figure is the most cost efficient and practical....and you're back to "per opening pricing".

Sq. ft. pricing does not take into account:
- how many fixtures, how many different types of fixtures, fixture location (undercabinet, surface, recessed, etc).
- switching...locations and especially type (like 3/4-ways).
weve done 3 apartments in the last year and we unit priced everything besides the service and made out fairly well. certain price per recp, switch and so on.
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