New Head Inspector

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Senior Member
Raeford, NC
Today I was finishing up small punch list at a building I wired for a fire dept. The new chief inspector came to reinspect some plumbing issues. I told him I would be installing a gen. set in the next few months for the main building. I ask him what he would require as far as load calc. since I will be installing ATS. He said he wouldn't require them since I was installing a 45kw unit. He said just make sure you switch the neutral :confused:
I ask why. He said it's code:confused: I politely ask for a reference because I knew of nothing in 445 or 702 that remotely requried switching the neutral. He said he though it was requried back in the 70's but would check and let me know. Have I missed something some where or is he stuck in a time warp?
There is no NEC requirement to switch the neutral and its not normally done as it makes things more complicated. The only time I know its required is for services and feeders with ground fault sensing and a generator.
I think I want to become an electrical inspector. It just struck me that since it is a drag to actually read the code book all the stinking time, I should become an electrical inspector. Then I won't have to read any of it ever again.... just sit thru some seminars, and memorize two or three changes every three years. Piece of cake. :cool:
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