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Senior Member
dallas tx
My name is mike from texas. Ive been in the trade since 98.. I started doing custom houses got a residential wiremans liscense. Went to commercial doing atm change outs etc. Got out of the trade for a couple of years. Texas or someone grandfathered j card and our field was flooded with j card holders sitting in a truck while we did the work. I felt it would be wrong for me to get my card that way so I moved on. Came back cause its what I like. Been doin comm. For almost 3 years. Seen alot of cool things still need to learn alot.. id like to get my j lisc in a yr I hope id lke to pass cause of exp and knowledge. I ask alot of questions. I still have j men at my job while I walk it with the super and talk to inspectors. Im not here to pick anyone apart. Just to learn and help
My name is mike from texas. Ive been in the trade since 98.. I started doing custom houses got a residential wiremans liscense. Went to commercial doing atm change outs etc. Got out of the trade for a couple of years. Texas or someone grandfathered j card and our field was flooded with j card holders sitting in a truck while we did the work. I felt it would be wrong for me to get my card that way so I moved on. Came back cause its what I like. Been doin comm. For almost 3 years. Seen alot of cool things still need to learn alot.. id like to get my j lisc in a yr I hope id lke to pass cause of exp and knowledge. I ask alot of questions. I still have j men at my job while I walk it with the super and talk to inspectors. Im not here to pick anyone apart. Just to learn and help

Hello Mike: Welcome aboard.....:D
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