New home with old pool equipment

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New User
Frederick, Maryland
I bought a home which has an existing pool, where the pool pump is in the middle of going on the fritz. I would like to upgrade from a 1hp pump which was fed 110v to a 1.5hp pump running on 220v.
Here's where I get confused, the pool equipment has a 30A (220v) and 20A (220v) feed from the main panel. Each are fed with their own neutral. The 20A feed runs into a box where they split each line to separate disconnects, one runs the existing pool pump (via mechanical time clock) and the other runs a gfci outlet and a low voltage transformer for pool lighting. The 30A feed runs a polaris booster pump and has an old disconnect without a time clock.

Can someone tell me how this should have been wired from the beginning? The 30A feed for the polaris seems overkill and splitting the 20A line like that doesn't seem right.
Ideally I'd like both pumps on a time clock and being run off 220, any thoughts on how this should be done?

Once I figure out how to post pictures I will...

Dennis Alwon

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Chapel Hill, NC
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