New IAEI Tracks at NETA Powertest

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Senior Member
Charlotte, NC
The NETA (Powertest) conference has always been more for power system testing guys but now it is providing a track for inspectors too. There will be a lot of issues I see asked about on this forum addressed.

Here are some featured seminars for you guys.

Performance Testing of Ground Fault Protective Devices: A Look at Article 230.95
IAEI Track
9:30am - 10:15am
Pat Beisert, Shermco Industries
View Abstract:
One the most important aspects of a safe electrical power system is the proper performance of ground fault protective equipment. Mandated by the National Electrical Code, Article 230.95(C) states that when first installed testing procedures must be performed on service entrance equipment that is required to be protected by ground fault sensing devices. Understanding the NEC requirements and how the equipment should be properly tested in the field will be explained and demonstrated in this presentation. This critical piece of power system performance is a must for inspectors and owners to understand.

Third-Party Product Certifications
IAEI Track
10:30am - 11:15am
John Taecker, Underwriters Laboratories, Inc.
View Abstract:
Learn who requires products to be certified by a third-party agency, what requirements are used, how a product is certified, and where information about certifications can be found.

Field Incident Investigations and Anti-Counterfeiting Measures
IAEI Track
11:30am - 12:15pm
John Taecker, Underwriters Laboratories, Inc.
View Abstract:
An overview of investigation methods of field incidents with certified products, and what efforts are taken to address the issue of counterfeiting. Basic information will be provided on how to identify a counterfeit.

Substation Design, Operations, Commissioning, and Maintenance: An End-Users Perspective
2:15pm - 3:00pm
Robert Briggs, Anaheim Public Utilities
View Abstract:
Anaheim Public Utilities is a city-owned, not-for-profit electric and water utility that is responsible for delivering high quality, economical electric and water utility services for the benefit of residents and businesses in Anaheim, California. With electricity sales at more than 3 million megawatt-hours a year, peak demand of 578 megawatts, 1470 circuit miles of transmission and distribution, and 1,400 MVA of transformer capacity, assuring reliable electric delivery is vital.

With a focus on substation design, this presentation will also discuss how the implementation of testing and commissioning processes and procedures into contract documents and project execution are important to the overall success and reliability of a project.

In addition to substation design, this presentation will discuss testing and commissioning as it relates to such topics as:

? Identifying problems that could result in a failure or mis-operation
? Demonstrating equipment is ready to be energized
? Demonstrating the system as a whole functions as designed
? Verifying the functionality electric equipment and assure no damage has occurred from shipping

NETA Standards and Electrical Inspectors ? How They Affect Installations
IAEI Track
3:15pm - 4:00pm
Jim White, Shermco Industries
View Abstract:
The ANSI/NETA standards for acceptance and maintenance testing of electrical power systems (ANSI/NETA ATS-2009 and ANSI/NETA MTS-2007) provide guidance and assurance to the authority having jurisdiction and/ or the owner that his power system has been installed properly, meets plans and specification requirements, and is functioning as designed and intended. Understanding the NETA field testing standards, the structure of the standards, and the benefits of implementation will be explained and discussed.

Ground Systems: NEC Regulation Compliance and IEEE Methods to Get There
4:15pm - 5:00pm
Phillip Serna, Power Systems Testing Co.
View Abstract:
This paper will present the NEC regulation that pertains to grounding of equipment referencing the NEC Article 250 which is dedicated to the subject of grounding. We will introduce the steps to ensure effective substation grounding, an IEEE Std 142 Green Book Perspective, what to do if your ground system doesn't meet code and a short summary identifying the difference between a ground and a bond.

Swimming Pools and Similar Installations
Afternoon Seminar I
1:15pm - 5:00pm
Keith Lofland, IAEI
View Abstract:
In order for one to properly install the appropriate wiring methods or to inspect a swimming pool or similar installation, one must be familiar with and understand NEC Article 680. Article 680 is divided into seven parts covering such things as a permanently installed swimming pool, a storable swimming pool, spas and hot tubs, fountains, and hydromassage bathtubs to name a few. All of these installations have specific requirements. This seminar takes an in-depth look at these explicit requirements for the unique combination of water, people, and electricity. Some of the topics covered will include such things as wiring methods, grounding and bonding, lighting and receptacle locations, motors, and GFCI requirements. This information is a must for installers and inspectors alike who desire a safe environment in and around these wet locations where the combination of water, electricity, and personnel demand a hazard-free experience.

Conductor Installations
Morning Seminar I
8:00am - 11:45am
Jonathan Cadd, International Association of Electrical Inspectors (IAEI)
Have you ever been confused about the application or proper sizing of wires and cables? What seems to be a simple process can have several contributing factors that affect the overall calculation for proper sizing and application.

A must for anyone involved in the electrical field, this seminar is designed to explain the ampacity and condition of use for various conductors used in the electrical industry. Different conditions involving conductor terminations such as temperatures, number of conductors in a raceway, continuous loads, and all play a part in determining the correct conductor for a particular installation. Basic principles to determine conductor ampacities are covered in detail. Principles presented are selection of conductors using the Allowable Ampacity Tables by calculation, ampacity correction factors for high ambient temperatures and for excessive conductors, rules on termination temperatures, conductors supplying a continuous load, equipment manufacturer's installation instructions, and selecting conductors for environmental conditions.

Soares Grounding and Bonding: An Introduction
Morning Seminar I
8:00am - 11:45am
Keith Lofland, IAEI
View Abstract:
This seminar is a must for those who wish to keep informed and increase their understanding and expertise in grounding and bonding of electrical systems and equipment. Completely revised to the current edition of the NEC, it is based on the authoritative text Soares Book on Grounding and clearly explains the fundamentals and practice of grounding in easily understood language. Dozens of new and revised color illustrations and photos of actual installations clarify and simplify the fundamental principles of grounding and bonding.

Soares Grounding and Bonding: Advanced Concepts
Afternoon Seminar I
1:15pm - 5:00pm
Keith Lofland, IAEI
View Abstract:
An extension of the morning session, the afternoon will cover more advanced theory and applications, and after taking this course, the participant should:

Have developed an essential basic understanding of the subject of grounding of electrical systems and equipment for safety, with the material delivered in a concise, yet thorough, manner.
Know the fundamentals of grounding for systems, services, feeders, branch circuits, and equipment.
Have an understanding of sizing requirements for bonding and grounding conductors, equipment grounding conductors, grounding electrodes, and grounding electrode conductors.
Have an increased knowledge of electronic equipment and limited energy system grounding and bonding requirements.
Be able to apply the NEC rules for grounding special systems such as for hazardous locations, agricultural buildings, health care facilities, swimming pools, and electric signs.
Wow. Looks nice.

Is it in California every year?

No, 1st time in cali for a long time. Usually it rotates between Memphis, New Orleans, and San Antonio. 2011 will be in DC (Hello Brian, you will be there right?).

I have been every year for the last 10 years or so, best technical stuff anywhere but they are new to the IAEI tracks.

Everyone there is very serious about thier job and the training available, however they party hard too, I usually sleep an average of 2 hours a night for the week.
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