New Moderators and New Chief Moderator 2017

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Staff member
New Jersey
Journeyman Electrician
It's with great pleasure that I'm announcing the selection of Dennis Alwon as our new Chief Moderator for 2017. :cool:

We have also added two new moderators GoldDigger and Little Bill. We'll all get to know them a little better in the coming days when their moderator profiles are added to the moderator page.

On a personal note I would like to thank all of the moderators and members who have made my 5 year tenure as the Chief Moderator a highly pleasurable one.

There is quite a bit of stuff that goes on behind the scenes here and the moderators are a tremendous help in keeping the forum running smoothly so thanks to all of them for a job well done. :thumbsup:
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Congrats to Little Bill and Golddigger... and Dennis too.....:lol:

I especially want to thank Trevor for the time he spent doing a thankless job... and doing it gracefully....I hope they pay me more than they paid him....:D

'you done good'
I especially want to thank Trevor for the time he spent doing a thankless job... and doing it gracefully....I hope they pay me more than they paid him....:D

Ditto on that, we kept throwing him under the bus .... err ... I mean nominating him for CM. :D

Trevor, seriously thank you for doing a great job with it for so long.
Welcome GoldDigger and Little Bill and congrats on the new position Dennis.

I also want to express my appreciation to Trevor for his time as CM. Dennis will have a hard act to follow but I know he will can do it. :)

Welcome to the new guys and thank you Rob for your service to this Forum.

Dennis, hope the transition is an easy one.:cool:
Many thanks to all moderators

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Congrats Dennis, Golddigger and little bill.

Been respecting your posts for almost a decade now Dennis :thumbsup:
Congratulations to Dennis, GoldDigger, and Little Bill. I wish you well in the coming year.

Also, to all the other moderators, past and present, thank you for a job well done. Your patience, tolerance, and dedication are to be commended.
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