new one for me

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Senior Member
went to do an estimate for a panel change (200 amp fuse to 200 amp breaker) and a new hot tub circuit. Homeowner shows me the panel and I notice it's a 200 amp main lug fuse panel so I ask where the meter is. Get to the back of the house and staring me in the face is a 400 amp three phase meter and riser with no disconnect.Ask the homeowner if there is any more panels and she shows me a room with 2 200 amp 120/240 volt three phase fused disconnects in it. One feeds the loadcenter with 240 single phase and the other feeds the hvac with three phase. The house is in a very exclusive part of town (I.E. old money) homeowner tells me she bought the house from an engineer that retired from one of the local plants years ago. Looks to me that he either did the wiring himself or hired the plant electricians to do it for him. All the wiring is in either conduit or armored cable. Panels are complete with a typewritten total connected load estimate. Will try to get some pics while I am doing the work.
I've come across a couple like that. One has a CT cabinet with three 200a fused discos below a trough, each feeding a different panel. It's only :)rolleyes:) single phase, but the house does have its own POCO transformer.

I bet yours is fed from an open-Delta high-leg supply. They did stuff like that for early residential central-A/C systems. A friend's parents house has a #10 run alongside the service drop, just for their A/C compressor.
I have a two customers with 3-phase services at their home. In both cases, they're old-money mansion type places, that were once cut up into apartments and served w/3-phase, then converted back into one big house again. Matter of fact, they're both within a few blocks of each other. There's a big college down the street, so the 3-phase passes right by. I think if you wanted this arrangement now, they'd either flatly tell you 'no' or ask you to pay dear. They might not even give it to you, even if you were willing to pay, if you didn't have a good reason. I was doing a new construction house 2 or 3 years ago, and they guy wanted an 800 amp service. The demand calc was maybe 130 amps. The PoCo did not oblige .
Speaknig of large resi services, this is resi:


'Scuse me while I wipe the drool from my chin.

What's the Sq-ft on that shack?

The best part is with the billion dollars spent on panels, you'd figure they could have sprung for $50 worth of yellow stickers...
Rampage_Rick said:
'he best part is with the billion dollars spent on panels, you'd figure they could have sprung for $50 worth of yellow stickers...
This is still under construction. Those labels are just on with blue painter's tape for temporary.
masterinbama said:
is that a full sized transfer switch in the panl array?

There's two of them. Look closer. :grin:

The nice thing about ASCO transfer equipment is that the front panel programming and such is exactly the same, whether it's 70 amp or 800 amp.
nakulak said:
good golly miss molly that must be some spread they have there
"I demand that you make the controls on everything go to 11! Ovens, dimmers, hottub, you name it..."

mdshunk said:
This is still under construction. Those labels are just on with blue painter's tape for temporary.
You'd think that the ominous grey steel cabinets would be enough. I don't envision someone trying to determine which cabinet is the beer fridge...
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