New Residential Service Sizing when the computation is very close to service size.

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After running the Optional Calculation for One Family Dwelling,,, I come up with a diversified, bottom line number of 47,720 volt-amps ,, at 240V that divides out to 198.83 amp service. Does that mean that a 200 amp service would satisfy this residence? I realize future growth might affect your answer, but even if you were satisfied to disregard future growth does that 200 amp service allow for the 198.83 of load. Maybe what I am asking is what exactly does that 198.83 amps represent? I know its not the same but if we had a 20 amp motor, we would not put it on a 20 amp breaker. thanks !
After running the Optional Calculation for One Family Dwelling,,, I come up with a diversified, bottom line number of 47,720 volt-amps ,, at 240V that divides out to 198.83 amp service. Does that mean that a 200 amp service would satisfy this residence? I realize future growth might affect your answer, but even if you were satisfied to disregard future growth does that 200 amp service allow for the 198.83 of load. Maybe what I am asking is what exactly does that 198.83 amps represent? I know its not the same but if we had a 20 amp motor, we would not put it on a 20 amp breaker. thanks !
Assuming your calc methods and math are correct, the 198.83 is 199 amp and a 200 amp service would be appropriate per Art. 220. Of course, as you mentioned, that does not allow for possible future needs.
sorry,, my previous was supposed to be a new thread,,,,

sorry,, my previous was supposed to be a new thread,,,,

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