New to me house

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New member
Hi everybody I bought a house last year and I need a little help on the service panel. I don't quite have the money now to upgrade the 100amp to a 200amp but will be done in the next couple of years. My question is the previous owner put in a second service panel up next to the primary panel and tied in the the primary one at a 60amp breaker and that powers the finished basement and the garage. As of now we have not had any problems but now that work isn't as hectic i am trying to work on some of my hobbies. In the garage he put in a service panel there also. It has one 15amp and one 20amp breaker. Running the deep freeze and my wood working tools fine but my welder keeps tripping the 20amp breaker. The wires going to the garage look to be 12g but I'm not sure. Would I be able to run a heavier wire and upgrade that panel to have more breakers to run the welder. One of the welders in a 220v 30amp and the other can run on 110vor 220v 20amp. Like I said earlier in this post once I save up the money I will be upgrading to a 200amp. The reason I need my tool to work now is I make wood and metal crafts to sell at craft and farmers markets. Spring is around the corner here in Utah and I need to get some stuff made up so that I have the money for some of the stuff I need to do to the house like the 200amp upgrade. any help would be appreciated and if there are anybody here in or near Clearfield ut that would like to help I could pay want I can for the help and if it's more then I have now I can arrange some payment before work is done.

Thanks guys,
Paul wong
I am closing this thread, in accordance with the Forum rules. This Forum is intended to assist professional electricians, inspectors, engineers, and other members of the electrical industry in the performance of their job-related tasks. However, if you are not an electrician or an electrical contractor, then we are not permitted to help you perform your own electrical installation work.

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