New York City Fire Alarm Code

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Staff member
New Jersey
Journeyman Electrician
Does anyone have a link to the actual NYC fire alarm code? I know that there is a few pages of NEC code changes in the NYC amendments but what about other applicable codes? I'm trying to understand why they install things the way they do in NYC where everyone seems to have a different interpretation as to what is actually required.
Does anyone have a link to the actual NYC fire alarm code? I know that there is a few pages of NEC code changes in the NYC amendments but what about other applicable codes? I'm trying to understand why they install things the way they do in NYC where everyone seems to have a different interpretation as to what is actually required.
I feel your pain. I've spent the last 5 years doing a lot of work in the City, or worse, for the Port Authority. Having been burned enough times, I can now say with only a little trepidation that I am approaching a certain minimal competence with the NYC codes. However, this may help. You may also want to peruse the fire department bulletins, found here. At that last link is another link to the fire department rules. 'Cause there just isn't enough bureaucracy in the world.
I feel your pain. I've spent the last 5 years doing a lot of work in the City, or worse, for the Port Authority. Having been burned enough times, I can now say with only a little trepidation that I am approaching a certain minimal competence with the NYC codes. However, this may help. You may also want to peruse the fire department bulletins, found here. At that last link is another link to the fire department rules. 'Cause there just isn't enough bureaucracy in the world.
Thanks, I'll take a look at those links. It seems like every job has a different set of rules. NYFD inspectors are inspecting aspects of the installation that should be left to the electrical inspector because they are part of the electrical code. I'm tired of hearing that inspectors want it that way.

When it comes to the electrical code it's fairly black and white. We follow the NEC with the NYC amendments. For example with Article 250 in the NYC amendments there is one minor change yet I hear all sorts of "I want it done this way" nonsense. Very frustrating to say the least.
Does anyone have a link to the actual NYC fire alarm code? I know that there is a few pages of NEC code changes in the NYC amendments but what about other applicable codes? I'm trying to understand why they install things the way they do in NYC where everyone seems to have a different interpretation as to what is actually required.

Pretty much everything on Fire alarm Requirements are found in the NYC building code Chapter 9 (Section 907). You will need to use that along with NFPA 72 requirements for fire alarm systems. There are some specific things about Fire Alarm taps ahead of the main and Fuse cut outs specific to NYC. I'm not sure if that is in the NYC electric code, NYC building code Chapter 9 or 27 but its there somewhere. I had a good relationship with the NYC Edwards sales rep that would give us a FA cheat sheet that spelled out all the requirements.
I know Dana for a long time. If you have any NYC FA questions he is the guy to ask. He often has cheat sheets that he gives out that are a huge help.
I think my firm had a lunch & learn that Dana presented. He gave us a copy of the presentation as I recall, and I think I have a copy of his cheat sheet somewhere.
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