New York City Utility Requirements - Con Edison Medium Voltage Service

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I am not sure if anyone here is familiar with the New York City Utility's (Con Edison) Medium Voltage service requirements, specifically EO-2022, but I figured I'd give it a shot.

The version I am referring to is the latest on the Con Edison website EO-2022 Revision 15.

The sections in question:
In the General Specification (first half), section 7.2.1, it states, "Two primary feeder switchgear line-ups may be housed in one electrical equipment room provided the spacing between the primary feeder service switchgear lineups is at least ten (10) feet. "

Then in the template for High Tension Technical Specification (seceond half), section, it states, "For customers with services designed to second contingency requirements - A minimum of ten foot separation must be maintained between feeders. Primary service feeders installed in conduits in switchgear equipment rooms separated by less than ten (10) feet between feeder bands, shall be concrete encased up to the primary service feeder pothead cubicle."

My assumption:
From these two paragraphs, I at first took it that the primary service lineups had to have a ten foot separation but if they did not have that ten foot separation, I had to concrete encase the conduits up to the primary service feeder pothead cubicle. But in reading these paragraphs closely, I bolded the word from section where it is referring to feeder bands and not feeders so then I am thinking that either that is a typo or that I must maintain that ten foot separation between the switchgear lineups. In essence, I am trying to figure if they want ten foot separation between feeder bands or feeders. For those that to not know, two service feeders make up one feeder band.

My questions:
1. Does anyone have any thoughts on these two sections and their relation?
2. Does anyone have any experience where they were allowed to, in a single Con Edison service equipment room, have two switchgear lineups next to each other (less than ten foot separation)?

Sorry for the long and confusing post. Thanks in advance for any help.
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