Newish product as seen on

I’ve yet to one that is NRTL listed. That would be about the only thing the NEC would cover for something that screws into a lamp holder and isn’t premises wiring.
Yeah, I'd be looking for UL, CSA, or other NRTL type listings, doubt the NEC has anything to say about it since it's "after" the wiring device (lamp socket, in this case)
Anyone know how much they weigh?
It says 1.6 lb. Many fixture weigh considerably more than that. I know its cheap and for some uses I might go with one. As I said in another thread about these, I could see putting one over my work bench.
Not that much, maybe half a pound? I might still have one or two in the basement from having replaced the old spots with much brighter LED panel floods during the re-siding project... if so I'll throw one on the kitchen scale and see.
My concern would be the torsion effect on a #6 or 8 screw into a plastic ceiling box of the fan on-off cycling stretching the screw opening over time. I believe this is reversable fan so concern over effect on the screw shell attachment potential to back out and arcing, before just not working.
This also is being installed onto a porcelain base and most homes would not have these as an existing fixture, So would you be willing to swap out to such a fixture base? This does not appear to be UL but has other markings but not sure an6 are recognized here. Is CE only recognized?