NFPA 70 and the UFC code

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Electrical PE
Hi everyone,

Recently started working on some projects where the UFC (Unified Facilities Criteria) is the code to reference. The UFC references NFPA 70 but it doesn't seem to mention what year to reference. Can anyone point me in the right direction of where to find which version of NFPA to reference? Thank you!
If anyone ever comes back on this thread.... I reached out to WBDG (the entity who manages the criteria for UFC) and received a response that unless otherwise specified the most recent edition of the referenced publication applies. This would now be 2023 NEC for electrical.
You're absolutely correct. The whole building design guide (wbdg) creates the UFC. In particular, UFC-3-580-01 is the gospel for telecommuncations. Most of the military documents that I use for inspections and expert witness testimony almost always says "latest edition". The next question that must be determined is "latest" could be based on the date the RFP was sent out, or the date that responses are do, or a pre-described date
You're absolutely correct. The whole building design guide (wbdg) creates the UFC. In particular, UFC-3-580-01 is the gospel for telecommuncations. Most of the military documents that I use for inspections and expert witness testimony almost always says "latest edition". The next question that must be determined is "latest" could be based on the date the RFP was sent out, or the date that responses are do, or a pre-described date
Thank you! That looks to be true here as well. Did some more digging on my end and seems like it varies. It could be based on the latest edition at RFP signing or at 30% Set etc. In other words there is no one size fits all answer to the question.
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