Re: NFPA 70E ..PPE Requirements ?
You don't sound ridiculous at all, and I applaud you for taking the proper precautions. First, you would have to know some information about the spot you are working on. First is, the distance your body will be from the live parts. For what you are describing, it would be however long your arm's reach is, or maybe less. Second is how much fault current is available at the light? And third is, if there is a fault, how long would it take for the OCPD to operate? Once you know those 3 things, you can plug them into a free calculator and it will tell you how many cal/cm^2 the arc will generate. And the final step is comparing this answer to a chart that lists the PPE protection level that is required for that calculated value. That is the long way, and sometimes the information is not easy to come by. Maybe someone experienced in the field can help out with what is commonly worn in this instance. My guess would be a pair of rubber insulated leather or similar material gloves and preferrably natural woven fiber clothing like 100% cotton.