NFPA 855 and Lighting Inverters


United States
Electrical Engineer
We have a 30 KVA lighting inverter, lithium ion, energy storage system for emergency lighting.

I am in a jurisdiction where post 2021 NFPA 1 and NFPA 111 have been adopted. Chapter 52 of NFPA 1 and chapter 7 of NFPA 111 requires all energy storage systems comply with NFPA 855.

As I read NFPA 855, the inverter being in excess of 20 KWH and lithium ion batteries would require explosion control (deflagration) systems be installed. (Chapter 9 of 855)

Do you read these codes the same way and how are you responding to the need for specially designed (NFPA 68/69) deflagration systems to comply? Ignoring the requirement that the inverter needs a UL9540 listing (I don’t believe any do), is this effectively killing off lighting inverters when in excess of the 20 kWh aggregate forcing compliance?
NFPA 855 Section Explosion prevention and deflagration venting shall not be required where approved by the AHJ based on fire and explosion testing in accordance with 9.1.5 and a deflagration hazard study demonstrating that flammable gas concentrations cannot exceed 25 percent of the LFL.

We specify the li-ion batteries to have 9540A large scale fire testing which would show no propagation.
NFPA 855 Section Explosion prevention and deflagration venting shall not be required where approved by the AHJ based on fire and explosion testing in accordance with 9.1.5 and a deflagration hazard study demonstrating that flammable gas concentrations cannot exceed 25 percent of the LFL.

We specify the li-ion batteries to have 9540A large scale fire testing which would show no propagation.


Appreciate the response. I do understand those exceptions but where do you find information meeting this? (I have a call or two in with different vendors, waiting for a response.)

I see no information that any of the ESS curren systems / batteries from the major inverter manufacturers are 9540a listed out comply with 1973? Where do you find reports/documentation Regarding the hazard analysis, are you performing that as a service for the owner?

Do you have a vendor/ brand that supplies this information if not?