I just noticed this thread as pointed out to me by Bob. As some of you know, I have been on the other side of the "fence" regarding installation instructions and their use with regard to product listing.
In this case, color of the blue conductor has nothing to do with its operation or would be a violation with the NEC and UL listing. IMHO, the manufacturer made a typo, and/or the instructions were written by a European manufacturer. They love blue...:roll: You could have used some BLUE tape to make it fully compliant.
Good thing it didn't say to use all green conductors because there will be a NEC violation/conflict (210.5, 250.119, 200.6, etc.).
While UL does evaluate the installation instructions when a product is submitted for listing, they obviously missed this "major violation"....Maybe the proofreader should be fired.
At the end of the day, all that matters is that the AHJ is fine with whatever color you installed (aside from Blue).
Oh...IMHO, as long as the conductor meets the NEC identification requirement and size, it is
not a violation nor should it invalidate the UL listing.