NJ - color coding of NM cable?

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Senior Member
Southern NH
Had a friend tell me he was house hunting with his son, and he asked me if I knew of any requirment to color code the "romex".

Does anyone know of any requirement in NJ? It's interesting - but I've never heard of anything mandated. He said that there seemed to be consistency in the color of NM cable run to HVAC units, and possibly to GFI receptacles.


Re: NJ - color coding of NM cable?

I know of no required color code. It seems that some manufacturers are now color coding the outer jackets of NM for identification but it's not a requirement to color code it, or use it.
Re: NJ - color coding of NM cable?

Essex Wire and Cable color codes their cable to identify it by size, but I do not know of any requirement either. It does make it easier to identify during rough-in. If you see white "romex" in the kitchen for the appliance circuits and you used their wire, you would know it's the wrong size at a glance.
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