NJ Meter PAN / Disconnect compliance


New Jersey
Inquiring of you can use a MIllbank U5168 which is a 4 jaw Meter Pan which has a 200A Main breaker within it and has 4 additional spaces within the enclosure.
Feed out of that enclosure to a 200A Main Lug only panel.

Will PSEG accept this?
Can you use a 200A MLO panel inside the home?
Can you also place the whole house surge protector in the outdoor enclosure?
Do you have to separate the grounds and neutrals in the MLO panel in the home?
Thanks Larry - I have placed several calls to PSEG with no response. Its a Job in Park ridge, where oddly enough they supply and manage the service to the home, Not PSEG. Waiting on a call back from them on meter type 4 or 5 jaw ring or ringless.

What equipment do you use for 200 AMp service - Millbank or another manufacturer for a meter with disconnect and the surge protector?
What equipment do you use for 200 AMp service - Millbank or another manufacturer for a meter with disconnect and the surge protector?
Well, Dominion provides meter bases free, so we use Milbank because that's what they give us.

Also, meter/mains are extremely rare here, so everything else connects in the service enclosure.
Thanks Larry - I have placed several calls to PSEG with no response. Its a Job in Park ridge, where oddly enough they supply and manage the service to the home, Not PSEG. Waiting on a call back from them on meter type 4 or 5 jaw ring or ringless.

What equipment do you use for 200 AMp service - Millbank or another manufacturer for a meter with disconnect and the surge protector?
Is this Park Ridge Electric? Good luck. PSE&G and Rockland Electric have a list of approved meter enclosures.
A new 52 unit single family 55+ is going in the town that I inspect. I noticed the EC was installing Millbank 4 jaw meter sockets. I contacted the PSE&G meter inspector and guess what they are all 5 jaw now.