NJ - UCC - GFCI: Part I

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Senior Member
Today I performed a "pre-sale inspection" on an existing SFH.
In the course of this inspection I discovered:
- various obvious violations (x-cords plugged into an outlet in the basement, run through the floor inside the first floor wall)....
- some concerns (FPE panel, etc)....
- and other recommended repairs (Water meter not jumpered, etc).
- and so forth.

What concerned ME was the lack of GFCI protection in the kitchen.
This particualr home had a few outlets on the counter - not GFCI protected. As I discussed the issue with the customer (buyer), the seller's agent(SA) chimes in with:
The house already passed the CCO inspection - the inspector didn't say anything about it.
ME: GFCI protection is required upon transfer of title
SA: Well it passed
ME: It may have passed, but the inspector may not catch every deficiency
SA: It's not a requirement in this town
ME: All towns follow the same rules in NJ-the UCC, which requires the GFCI protection...
SA: Yea...but that's only when it's within 6'...
ME: :roll:

We all go our seperate ways and I head to the building dept. (BD)
I ask the helpful folks at the counter: Is GFCI protection required upon transfer of title
BD: Yes it is, it's part of the UCC.
ME: Great! Do you know the particular article?
BD: Go look it up, library is on 5th & Main

So I start to search the UCC (online here UCC if any needs it ) and I come up with nada :confused:.

Does ANYONE have ANY idea where I can actually find the specific verbage in regards to transfer of Real Estate and GFCI protection?

(Feel free to chime in on the other topics as well :grin:)

I did find out something disturbing here:
NJ - UCC - GFCI: Part II
satcom said:
Try calling the Hot Line in Trenton, the best way is talk to the source.

That's for Monday....we can bat this around all weekend :smile:

What's the story by you?
GFCI on CCO or not?
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