Senior Member
I feel like I should know this, but apparently I don't. I just failed an inspection because I used 2/0 NM-B as the feeder from a main disconnect to a panel that serves an entire residence. I used 315.15(B)(6) which allows 200a for 2/0 in this situation. However, the inspector pointed out that it does not list NM-B in that section, only THHN, and some other types. When you look in the ampacity chart in the 60 degree column (which includes NM-B) there is nothing listed after size #1 Copper. There are kust dashes in the 60 degree column after that. So, the question is, since NM-B is supposed to be in the 60 degree column and there are no ratings in that column after size #2 copper, what is the amperage rating of 2/0 NM-B? I always just jumped over to the 75 degree column, but apparently that isn't correct??? Confused.