Re: NM cable derated?
Originally posted by tonyi:
In a lot of places these issues would never arise, but derating in general seems to not be something well understood or often considered in residential work
Tony first off I am not trying to bust your chops here, just have a discussion.
Lets think on this for a little bit.
Do you find failures do to this lack of understanding? Come on be honest.
I am talking about modern homes wired with 90C NM.
How many residential circuit do you find loaded up to the max bundled together in a way that would need derating.
I agree with you, derating is forgotten about many times in residential work.
I do not agree it is something to worry about.
How many loads in a dwelling unit would you consider continuous?
IMO dwelling units are a much different environment than commercial work.
IMO Table 310.15(B)(6) confirms that the NEC considers dwelling units different too.
Not saying I would ignore derating I just do not look at it as a significant issue in a building with modern NM.
Take a look at all the exceptions for derating specifically 310.15(B)(2)exception 5 yes I know it is for MC and AC my point is the NEC obviously thinks THHN in a cable assembly is a tolerant product.
I might add in my State the adjustment table is much different than in the NEC and we do not seem to have any problems.
Just something to talk about Tony, I would never fault a guy for running larger wire it can never hurt if the budget allows.
JMO, Bob