nm cable in pvc sleeve required to be stripped

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Senior Member
St Petersburg FL
Had an inspection today on a job with 4 new homeruns and a w/p panel on the back of the house. The panel has a 2" pvc sleeve from the hub on top of the panel into the soffit above the panel. The sleeve is less than 18" long. The panel backs up to the garage. I asked the inspector if he wold allow me to run the new NM runs thru the sleeve into the panel (I thought it should be UF cable but didn't want to install a junction box to change it over if I didn't have to. Firm believer in fewer is better when it comes to splices) or if I had to sleeve the NM inside the garage and enter the panel thru the back of it. His response was I could use the PVC but that I had to strip the NM right where it entered the sleeve. I always thought the jacket had to extend into the enclosure, but he said that only applied to junction and device boxes. He said it was a code requirement to strip the cable.
Not complaining about it because other than making sure I get the right neutrals on the AFI breakers it will make it easier to get my homeruns in the panel, but is he right? We are on the 2017 code here.
Look at this especially 312.5(C)
312.5 Cabinets, Cutout Boxes, and Meter Socket Enclosures.
Conductors entering enclosures within the scope of this article
shall be protected from abrasion and shall comply with
312.5(A) through (C).
(A) Openings to Be Closed. Openings through which
conductors enter shall be closed in an approved manner.
(B) Metal Cabinets, Cutout Boxes, and Meter Socket Enclosures.
Where metal enclosures within the scope of this article
are installed with messenger-supported wiring, open wiring on
insulators, or concealed knob-and-tube wiring, conductors shall
enter through insulating bushings or, in dry locations, through
flexible tubing extending from the last insulating support and
firmly secured to the enclosure.
(C) Cables. Where cable is used, each cable shall be secured
to the cabinet, cutout box, or meter socket enclosure.
Exception: Cables with entirely nonmetallic sheaths shall be permitted to
enter the top of a surface-mounted enclosure through one or more
nonflexible raceways not less than 450 mm (18 in.) and not more than
3.0 m (10 ft) in length, provided all of the following conditions are
(1) Each cable is fastened within 300 mm (12 in.), measured along
the sheath, of the outer end of the raceway.
(2) The raceway extends directly above the enclosure and does not
penetrate a structural ceiling.
(3) A fitting is provided on each end of the raceway to protect the
cable(s) from abrasion and the fittings remain accessible after
(4) The raceway is sealed or plugged at the outer end using approved
means so as to prevent access to the enclosure through the raceway.
(5) The cable sheath is continuous through the raceway and extends
into the enclosure beyond the fitting not less than 6 mm (1∕4 in.).
(6) The raceway is fastened at its outer end and at other points in
accordance with the applicable article.
(7) Where installed as conduit or tubing, the cable fill does not exceed
the amount that would be permitted for complete conduit or
tubing systems by Table 1 of Chapter 9 of this Code and all applicable
notes thereto. Note 2 to the tables in Chapter 9 does not
apply to this condition.
Had an inspection today on a job with 4 new homeruns and a w/p panel on the back of the house. The panel has a 2" pvc sleeve from the hub on top of the panel into the soffit above the panel.

Forget everything else, since your PVC is on the outside of the house you cannot install NM cable in it.
(4) The raceway is sealed or plugged at the outer end using approved
means so as to prevent access to the enclosure through the raceway.

My question (not to take over the thread) what would you use to seal or plug the outer end when using multiple cables????? Duct seal???
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