NM cable

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Take a look at 518.2 for Places of Assembly definition and 518.4 for wiring methods.
NM cable

Church appears to be a type V construction with the lower basement level ceiling made of steel and concrete. I'm not sure if this qualifies as non-rated.
Art 334 (3) permits its use in structures type III, IV, V. unless prohibited by 334.12 (churches not specifically mentioned).
Art. 518 does refer to assembly occupancies and refers to art. 518.4 wiring methods part B non-rated construction. This section leads me to believe the structure would qualify as non-rated and permit the use of NM cable. ??
334.12 A 5 theatres or similar occupancies (IE Assembly)

Yes, but it does say except as permitted by 518.4(B).

Church appears to be a type V construction with the lower basement level ceiling made of steel and concrete. I'm not sure if this qualifies as non-rated.
Art 334 (3) permits its use in structures type III, IV, V. unless prohibited by 334.12 (churches not specifically mentioned).
Art. 518 does refer to assembly occupancies and refers to art. 518.4 wiring methods part B non-rated construction. This section leads me to believe the structure would qualify as non-rated and permit the use of NM cable. ??

I would recommend checking with your local AHJ to determine wether or not the type V construction is rated or not.

Type V construction can be rated or non-rated.

This section leads me to believe the structure would qualify as non-rated and permit the use of NM cable. ??

Not necessarily. If the building height and area are small enough then there may not be any elements of fire rated construction. But if for instance the total floor area exceeds 12,000 sq ft, the floor/ceiling assembly above the basement may be a 2 or 3 hr fire barrier to create fire areas smaller than 12,000 sq ft in order to not have to sprinkle the building. You mentioned the ceiling above the basement was metal and concrete. If the metal are unprotected bar joists then the scenario I gave probably would not apply. Would need more info on the building design to determine.

I too would talk to or AHJ or the Architect if you know who it is.
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NM cable

Basement ceiling is steel truss with steel decking and 4" of concrete on top of that. The attic is cris-crossed with 2X6 framing and rafters. Roof is gabled with two "V" shaped supports along both sides running the length of the church. Walls appear to be wood studs.
Basement ceiling is steel truss with steel decking and 4" of concrete on top of that. The attic is cris-crossed with 2X6 framing and rafters. Roof is gabled with two "V" shaped supports along both sides running the length of the church. Walls appear to be wood studs.

Again, it will be almost impossible for us to determine what the actual building type is from just a discription. There are many things that can affect the type of construction.

Your really need to check with the local building department or possibly the design professional for your answer.

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