NM in raceway?

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League City,TX
We do not do any residential electrical installs in the school district so I'm not real familiar with romex issues, but can it be run in a raceway for temp. use?
Yes, NM cable can be installed in a raceway provided that the raceway is in a dry location and the cable doesn't exceed the raceway fill requirements for the type of raceway being used.

Yes, NM cable can be installed in a raceway provided that the raceway is in a dry location and the cable doesn't exceed the raceway fill requirements for the type of raceway being used.


Thanks again, raider1. I don't see anything in the code referencing its use in a raceway. Wouldn't happen to have a code reference would you?
The better question would be where in the NEC does it prohibit installing NM cable in a raceway.;):)

Anyway take a look at 334.15(B) and (C) both sections reference installing NM cable in a raceway.

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