NM on rafters

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Senior Member
Cleveland, Ohio
Let's say an attic with a gable roof has NM stapled to the surface of the 2x8 rafters for a distance of 10'. The NM is located directly next to the ridge board and is run parallel to the ridge board about 6" away. The peak of the gable is 70" from the floor of the attic which has a pull down stair.
Is this acceptable or is it a code violation.



Senior Member
Re: NM on rafters

For permanently installed pull down stairs the required distance for protection is 7 ft a 2x and done deal ;)


Senior Member
Re: NM on rafters

320.23(B) Cable Installed Parallel to Framing Members Where the cable is installed parallel to the sides of rafters, studs, or floor joists, neither guard strips nor running boards shall be required, and the installation shall also comply with 300.4(D). </font>
  • <font size="2" face="Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif">Would this description fit the installation described?</font>
<font size="2" face="Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif">

[ August 28, 2005, 10:43 PM: Message edited by: redfish ]


Staff member
Re: NM on rafters

Dave in my mind that is exposed work and along with 320.23, 334.15(A) also applies.

334.23 In Accessible Attics.
The installation of cable in accessible attics or roof spaces shall also comply with 320.23.
So 334.23 does not eliminate the need to comply with 334.15

334.15 Exposed Work.
In exposed work, except as provided in 300.11(A), the cable shall be installed as specified in 334.15(A) through (C).

(A) To Follow Surface. The cable shall closely follow the surface of the building finish or of running boards.
I would say it needs a running board regardless of the distance to the hatch.


Staff member
New Jersey
Journeyman Electrician
Re: NM on rafters

Not even Speedway would help here as it is not listed as a physical protective device.
Is a strip of wood listed as a physical protective device?


Senior Member
Cleveland, Ohio
Re: NM on rafters

Hi Pierre,

Well that was my take on it. I just wanted to get a consensus from the electricians. Some areas of the country allow different things to "slide".

Thanks to all!


Senior Member
Milford, MA
Re: NM on rafters

334.15 gives general requirements. 334.23 gives more specific requirements for installation in an attic. If cable is more than 7' above the floor or floor joist of attic, then no guard strip is required.

If all the requirements of 334.15 had to be met, then why would article 334.23 exist?



Re: NM on rafters

I think Speedway would comply being that it is UL listed for NM cable...think of other means..for physical protection.
Last I knew a piece of wood was not UL listed.
If I use a piece of wood...how big should it be?
If I have 1 cable....what if I have 30 cables?

[ August 31, 2005, 12:57 AM: Message edited by: tom25 ]


Senior Member
Re: NM on rafters

quoted by tom25,
If I use a piece of wood...how big should it be?
If I have 1 cable....what if I have 30 cables?
320.23 (A) Where Run Across the Top of Floor Joists Where run across the top of floor joists, or within 2.1 m (7 ft) of floor or floor joists across the face of rafters or studding, in attics and roof spaces that are accessible, the cable shall be protected by substantial guard strips that are at least as high as the cable. Where this space is not accessible by permanent stairs or ladders, protection shall only be required within 1.8 m (6 ft) of the nearest edge of the scuttle hole or attic entrance.
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