NM wiring methods

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1. I think the NEC used to include a specific paragraph in Art. 300 allowing NM cable to be fished through walls in a remodel situation where it is not practical to staple the cable every 4.5 feet inside the wall. Does this language appear anywhere in the 2005 version?

2. Does the rule about protecting NMC passing thru a floor (336 B?) apply when passing through a wood sole plate inside a wall to the crawlspace below?

Dennis Alwon

Staff member
Chapel Hill, NC
Retired Electrical Contractor
James Clerk Maxwell said:
2. Does the rule about protecting NMC passing thru a floor (336 B?) apply when passing through a wood sole plate inside a wall to the crawlspace below?

Art 334.15 (B) talks of protection from physical damage when passing thru a floor, but if you read the heading of art 334.15 it is for exposed work.

To answer question 2 no it doesn't apply but I am unsure of what the "336 B?" in your question stands for.
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