nmb cable

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does anyone know where to find the type of conductor in this cable? Been looking but not finding.

Take your pick.

334.112 Insulation.
The insulated power conductors shall be one of the types listed in Table 310.13(A) that are suitable for branch-circuit wiring or one that is identified for use in these cables. Conductor insulation shall be rated at 90?C (194?F).


I am pretty sure the type of conductor is thhn / thhw but cannot find the actuall type of conductor. Asked the supply house and they could not find it. They said will be next week before they will get an answer from the factory.
I am pretty sure the type of conductor is thhn / thhw but cannot find the actuall type of conductor. Asked the supply house and they could not find it. They said will be next week before they will get an answer from the factory.

You never will find it. It may be THHN/W, but it's not required to be such, nor is it marked as such.
I toured a cable manufacturing plant several years ago and asked the same question form them. They claimed their NM cable contained a THH conductor. Not something you will find in Table 310.13. They claimed the conductors have the thermoplastic insulation rated at 90 degrees C, but with no Nylon jacket.

I'm sure every company has a variation of the same.
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