Get to the job (new residential build) and no CEE present anywhere.Unfamiliar with poured wall contractor never worked with this Co. Is it a specific requirement to install it, or a specific requirement to use it if present? Basement floor is poured, foundation is backfilled.
Will any of the listed electrodes meet code if they produce the 25ohms or less requirement?
I have plastic water service coming into the house so that's not an option.
My options are 1(or2) 8' rods, or a 2'x2' Cu or steel plate.
Thoughts appreciated.
Will any of the listed electrodes meet code if they produce the 25ohms or less requirement?
I have plastic water service coming into the house so that's not an option.
My options are 1(or2) 8' rods, or a 2'x2' Cu or steel plate.
Thoughts appreciated.