No neutral

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Senior Member
I'm working on an old wharehouse that has 277V lighting installed. Here is the problem, the lighting panel SQD NH1B has a 480v feed with ground pulled to it from a 480v MCC (no neutral at the MCC). Note no neutral was pulled to the cabinet. It looks like they tied the neutral and ground at the panel. The installation was probably some 40 years ago.

My question to this forum is: Was this a standard practice 40 years ago?
: if so it such an installation grandfathered?

I told the owner if it was my building I would install a Xfmer to derive a proper neutral.
The fix is in the works, I just wanted to make sure there was no old code issues that would allow such an installation. Appreciate the reply.
No neutral

It has never been permitted to use the equipment grounding conductor as a neutral conductor. My guess is the original installation has 3phase 3wire 480 volt systems no neutral because if you look up the square D catalog a NH1B it is listed as a 100 amp 3 phase 3 wire 480 volt panelboard.
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