No "Over and Under" SEPs?

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Senior Member
Long Beach, CA
We recently had a resi panel upgrade job where the best choice of panel would have been an O/H service only panel (POCO/meterbase section above load center section) which is how I wrote the materials list. Imagine my surprise when my purchasing guy informs me that he is unable to find this style of SEP from any of our suppliers (including, as last resort, Orange and Blue). We have accounts with all the major wholesale houses in our area and he tells me that they all told him none of the manufacturers are offering that style any more. Does anybody know anything about this?:confused:

Dennis Alwon

Staff member
Chapel Hill, NC
Retired Electrical Contractor
You mean like this GE Panel



Senior Member
Right here.
I used one on a garage in the recent past, but it was only a 6/12 panel. Any reason why you couldn't just nipple down from the meter can to a full-size 3R panel, other than looks?


Senior Member
Long Beach, CA
Dennis Alwon said:
You mean like this GE Panel


I do. We don't do a lot of business with Ace Hardware but I'll be sure to follow up tomorrow and see if they still offer this item. Murray used to offer this style too but apparently no longer. Thanks for the suggestion.


Señor Member
Former Child
I've used square D's several times, and as recently as 6 weeks ago. W/O a main they're 6/12's w/ tandem breaker blocks; W/ a main they're 8/16's; I think they make a 20 space version also.


Senior Member
Long Beach, CA
mdshunk said:
I used one on a garage in the recent past, but it was only a 6/12 panel. Any reason why you couldn't just nipple down from the meter can to a full-size 3R panel, other than looks?

No. However, since most of our work is service/retrofit/upgrade on existing 50-100 YO resi occupancies, looks/aesthetics are often a consideration with our customers. Also, we usually need at least 10 or more full size spaces to accomodate the existing branches and the new ones for the "whateverthehecktheHOwantstoadd" that's the reason for the upgrade in the first place.


Senior Member
Long Beach, CA
220/221 said:

We can't use this style anymore either. Meter section must be on the side.

From your "anymore" I gather this is a fairly recent restriction? We were licensed in AZ until a year or so ago, then got too busy here to maintain both operations effectively and let the AZ lic. lapse, hence I haven't kept track of local regs over there. Is this a state restriction? County? City? If so, which?
Thanks for the info.


Senior Member
POCO restriction, APS and SRP.

When you come out the top of these panels for branch circuits, you pass thru their space. Even if they have the dividers in them they are not approved.


Senior Member
Long Beach, CA
220/221 said:
POCO restriction, APS and SRP.

When you come out the top of these panels for branch circuits, you pass thru their space. Even if they have the dividers in them they are not approved.

Ah yes. I remember AZ POCOs being very jealous of "their space". Unlike over here in CA, where SCE pushes as much of their work onto ECs as possible. They do "meter spot", then it's up to us to "play Lineman" and disconnect and reconnect the hot service drop unless we want the customer to be w/o power for several days until the POCO gets an outsourced 3rd party contractor crew out to do the cutover. Gotta love them corporate cost cutting measures. :rolleyes:
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