I had a call about a baseboard heater with no power, no breakers tripped. I can trace the wire to where it goes under a finished floor in the attic then lose it. Is capping those wires in a jbox acceptable and running a new feed for the heater?
I understand, im only asking because clearly something happened to make it lose power, whether someone disconnected it or something else. I was never able to locate the jbox where the wires came from. I just dont want to leave any hazards, and capping the feed in the box and running new circuit seemed like the best option.In most cases a 20 amp circuit is large enough to feed at least 2 baseboard heaters. That means after leaving the panel there is likely to be 1 or more splices weather in a junction box or the splice is made in the thermostat box.
Of course, you can have only 1 heater on a 20 A circuit.
I would shut the breaker off and see if any other heaters stop working.
Also a circuit tracer may help you locate the wire.
You can always cap an old circuit as long as it is in an accessible junction box.
Do you know which breaker it is definitively? Are there disconnected wires tucked back in the panel? If I couldn't find the problem, I would definitely run a new circuit, being sure to disconnect the old wires from the breaker, leaving them dead no matter where they are.Its not live anywhere where i could see to. Wall mount thermostat. Just trying to see what everyone else would do in this situation