No UL label

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lake elsinore ca
Have an inspector who will not allow anything installed without UL ETL etc label attached whether or not spec sheets show it as listed. Also will not permit anything
UL stamped be put in a j box unless entire assembly is UL stamped as unit. For instance we have UL listed relays for lighting installed in a 12x12 box and he will not permit it because it was not sent as one assembly UL approved. We have CT (type that snaps around incoming feeders) installed in main panel for energy management controls and he won't approve because sticker does not say UL even though spec sheets provided with CT show it as UL Is he correct ?
In regards to the 12 x 12 box. I don't think he's correct. Where else are you going to put the relays?
I've used relays in boxes for years. I've always bought them separately, too.
Not sure about the CT's, but I would side with you there, too
The inspector may be on the right track. UL Listed items can be used as they are.
However many items, particularly plug-in style relays and bases, are actually UL Recognized (the backward R and U symbol) these need to be installed as part of a listed product.
To Jim's point, here is the UL position on the use of items marked with the backwards "R".
UL Recognized Component Marks
Part of that document says:
Because components are only intended for installation in end products whose safety is evaluated by UL separately, they may be incomplete in construction or restricted in performance capabilities. This factor precludes their safe installation by electricians or contractors in the field.
Does what your doing fall under Article 409 Industrial Control Panel? They are not required to be listed by the NEC. You'll need to follow 409.110.
Does what your doing fall under Article 409 Industrial Control Panel? They are not required to be listed by the NEC. You'll need to follow 409.110.
The builder due to time constraint decided to have U/L Lab certify everything onsite, Also had some display cases with lighting installed that were cited. It only cost 20,000 to come out and UL everything in question!!! Im in the wrong business!!
The builder due to time constraint decided to have U/L Lab certify everything onsite, Also had some display cases with lighting installed that were cited. It only cost 20,000 to come out and UL everything in question!!! Im in the wrong business!!
Indeed, field evals are very costly! And then you have to pray that any changes they require don't kill you.
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