Non-feed thru GFCI

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Good Evening,

On new job today and was reading specs that require a straight blade, non-feed through type GFCI.
In my 15ys in the electrical field, I have never heard of this type. I'm thinking it is a GFCI that does not have a load side to feed other receptacles.
Am I thinking correctly? And if so do you know of any US Manufacturers?
Thank you for your time
It is weird wording. I am not sure why the straight blade reference, but for the non-feed thru they could be trying to specify that each device indicated as GFI has a GFI device as opposed to the feed thru.
Our spec does not allow for use of the feed thru connections on the devices but it is worded better than that.
A feed thru GFI, can smetimes be called a dead front GFI. It feeds thru and protects downstream circuits,,,,but ther are no slots on the front. So, your spec are making sure you DO NOT USE that kind. He's telling you STRAIGHT BLADE ,,,,NON feed thru,,,,so in other words You better be able to plug something in at that location
Thanks all for responses.

I also want to say no load side connections and it does not indicate on any of the plans.
Thanks all for responses.

I also want to say no load side connections and it does not indicate on any of the plans.
Question, if not on the plans but in the specs then you need to follow the specs as they are the rule. They just don't want downstream outlets being tripped and not knowing where the reset is.
I generally avoid feed through anyway except in the kitchen or same room. I hate call backs or service calls from nieve customers, they are never happy to see you push the reset button. ( and yes I try to talk them through it over the phone.)
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